Add or Create New Products

Need to add additional products to your catalogs? We've got you covered.

In this article

Import products from a file 

Note: You will not be able to import a product from a file if your catalog was created through a store connector. 

Learn how to import your products from a CSV or XLSX (Excel) file here

Sync new products from a store connector

  • To sync new products added to your storefront after you've connected it to Describely, open your catalog and click Sync on the top right.
  • To pull data for your current products from your storefront into Describely, select the checkbox. If you'd like to keep Describely's existing data, leave the checkbox blank. 
  • Click Continue.

Voila! Your store and Describely catalog have been synced! 

Note: Any products that have been removed from your store since your last import or refresh will also be removed from your Describely catalog.
New products that are in Describely and have not been published to store will not be affected.

If your store has more products than your plan includes, learn how to upgrade your plan here or schedule a call to discuss our flexible add-ons. 

Add a product from an image, keywords, or prompt

  1. From any catalog, click + Add Product on the top right.
  2. Select Create Product With AI.
  3. Upload an image AND/ OR describe your product using 6+ words (comma separated keywords or in a sentence). You can also experiment with a custom prompt to the AI.
  4. Choose your language and brand tone.
  5. Click the green icon on the right of the text box to generate content.

  6. If needed, edit or regenerate content for your product. When you're ready, click Save to Catalog. Voila!

Add a product using existing product details

  1. From any catalog, click + Add Product on the top right.
  2. Select Add Single Product (Without AI).
  3. Enter your product information in the fields. A Product Title is required. 
  4. Click Save. Voila! Your new product has been added to your catalog.

Tip: When entering your product information, include keywords to help optimize your content and describe your product.