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  2. Content Creation at Scale

Audit Product Content

Save time by reviewing your content for claims, spelling and grammar, brand guideline compliance, and more!

In this article

Why audit content? Before you publish content, it's crucial to review it for accuracy, brand compliance, and spelling/grammar. Thankfully, Describely's audit feature makes this a breeze. 

In just a few clicks, we'll analyze content for multiple products at once, suggest improvements, and revise based on your feedback. 🎉


Whether your content was AI-generated in Describely OR written outside of Describely (in-house or by a freelancer or agency), our audit feature will streamline your editing process.  You can:

  • Review & improve adherence to your content rules & brand guidelines  
  • Fix any spelling & grammatical errors (based on your output language)
  • Verify content accuracy by approving or rejecting claims 
    Note: We'll remove any rejected claims from your content when you re-generate. 😉
  • Check for inconsistencies within your content (for example, between text and images)

Here's an overview of how to audit AI-generated content:

Follow the steps below to start auditing your product content!

Audit your content

Important: In order to audit AI-generated content, you'll first need to create content for multiple products. To audit already-written content, you'll need to import it into Describely first.

  1. From your catalog, click Bulk Jobs Review on the top right, and select the bulk job whose content you'd like to audit. 
    Note: To audit already-written descriptions imported into Describely, open your catalog, select your products, click Audit Copy on the top right, and skip to step 3.
  2. Within the bulk job, select the products' whose content you'd like to audit. On the top ribbon, click Audit Copy.

  3. Choose what you would like Describely to audit and re-name your job if you'd like.
  4. Click the Start Audit button.
  5. On the top right, you'll see a notice when your audit is complete. Click on it to review your audited content.

Review & approve audited content

Is spelling and grammar important to you? To fix all identified grammar issues in one click, select your products and click Fix Grammar on the top ribbon. 

  1. In the job, you'll see a summary of the content's claims, along with any grammatical issues, failed validation (discrepancies between the content and your Content Rules), and content inconsistencies.
    Tip: Use the filters at the top to filter only to the content awaiting review. 

  2. To the left of any product, click Review to open its audit details.
  3. You'll see several expandable sections for you to provide feedback to revise your content.

Important: Describely will default to fixing any grammatical or failed validation issues, unless you select to ignore them and regenerate. Your most recent content version can be reviewed and edited under Audited Content at the bottom at any time.

4.   Under Product Claims, select Approve or Reject for each claim.

      IMPORTANT: If you reject any claims, you'll need to Regenerate to remove them. 


5.    Review any Grammatical Issues. For each, select either Accept Suggestion or Ignore                    Suggestion. 

6.    Under Failed Content Validation, select whether to Fix Failure or Ignore each.

      IMPORTANT: Failed validation is defaulted to be fixed. If you choose to ignore any, you'll         need to Regenerate. 

7.    Review any Inconsistencies between text and image content. Make any needed                          changes by editing the Audited Content.


8.    If you've rejected claims or ignored any failed validation, click Regenerate Audited                    Content and review the new Audited Content. Otherwise, click Approve Audited                      Content to apply it to your product in Describely!

9.   To review the next product, click the > icon on the bottom of the audit window.                           Voila!