Export or Publish Your Products

Ready to download or publish your catalog content? Follow these steps!

In this article

Exporting your products

  1. Select the Catalogs tab on the left-hand sidebar. 
  2. Click on your catalog.
  3. Locate and select the products you'd like to export. 
    Tip: You can use Views to search for specific products with a Title or SKU filter, filter products by Status, or sort by the Last Updated date.
  4. Click the three dots on the top right to expand more options.

  5. On the dropdown menu, click the Export CSV button to download your catalog in the format of your choice (either Raw Text or Include HTML). 

Not seeing your new copy in the export? You likely didn't review & approve your content yet. Here's how!

Publishing your products

Important: Before you publish to your store, we recommend you review & approve your content. Here's how!

  1. Locate and select the products you'd like to export. 
    Tip: You can use Views to search for specific products with a Title or SKU filter, filter products by Status, or sort by the Last Updated date.
  2. Click the three dots on the right side of the top toolbar to expand more options.
  3. On the dropdown menu, click the Bulk Publish button.
  4. If you'd like to add any generated bullet points to your new descriptions, check the first box.

Note: If you are using a Salsify catalog, bullet points will be published to their own unique section in Salsify instead of being merged with your product description. 

5.       Check the second box to confirm and click the Publish to [Your Store                                              Connector] button. Voila!