Enrich Your Product Data in Bulk

Save yourself hours of work and use our data enrichment to gather data that thoroughly describes your products!

Do I need data enrichment? eCommerce teams often receive little product information from manufacturers and suppliers, which can make writing quality product content difficult. With data enrichment, you can easily pull product information from the web into Describely so you can write complete, detailed product content in minutes.

In this article

Identify products to enrich

How does Describely determine which products need enrichment? After your import is complete, we'll check if the existing product information (across all imported fields like title, keywords, etc.) thoroughly describes the product enough to generate a quality description. If not, we're here to help!

  1. Within your catalog, look for any product with a status of "Recommended" under the Enrichment column. If you anticipate using data enrichment often, create a catalog view filtered to Enrichment status "Recommended" so you can more easily locate these products. 
  2. If none of your products appear under this filter, you most likely have already imported some descriptive product information. However, you can still use data enrichment to further enhance your product content by following the steps below.

Run data enrichment in bulk

Important: Currently, you can only run data enrichment on up to 200 products at a time. If needed, complete additional runs to enrich all the products you need. 

  1. Select the Catalogs tab on the left-hand sidebar. 
  2. Click on your catalog.
  3. Select the products whose data you'd like to enrich and click the Data Enrichment button. 

4.     Check the box(es) next to each field you'd like to use. Describely will use the                                 information you've imported for these fields to search the web and enrich your data.

Note: You can enrich product data with an existing product title, SKU, keywords, or type (also known as category). You may not have all of these, and that's okay! Searching by additional fields may improve data quality.

 5.    Edit the generation name if you'd like. 

 6.    Optional: At the bottom of the window, enter any preferred website domain to                            exclusively pull information from (for example, a manufacturer's direct site). 

          Tip: Make sure to only enter the site's domain starting at www. (do not include                              https:// or the full web path). E.g. www.describely.ai

 7.    Click the Start Data Enrichment button to be brought back to the main catalog page                 while the bulk job processes. 

         Note: Once complete, the Enrichment status for these products will change to Needs               Review.

Important: Out of data enrichment credits? We can help! Schedule a call with us to discuss our add-ons.

Review your enriched data

  1.  Once the data enrichment is ready for review, you will see a notification on the top right. Click on this alert or the Bulk Jobs Review button to view your bulk job history.

  2. Locate the pending bulk job, which will be in a Ready For Review status.
  3. Check the box next to each product you'd like to approve data for and click Approve Selected. The enriched data will be applied to these products and used in your next bulk generation.
    Note: The Enrichment status for these products will change to Enriched.
  4. To edit data, hover over and click on the generation's text. Make your changes and save as a draft if needed. When you're ready, click the Approve button to apply the data to your products. 
  5. If any, check the box next to each product you'd like to decline data for and click Decline Selected. These products' data will not be changed.
    Note: The Enrichment status for these products will change back to Recommended.

Voila! Your product data has been enriched and you're ready to generate product descriptions in bulk.

Tip: To easily filter and generate content for your enriched products, create a catalog view filtered to Enrichment status Enriched.

Best practices

  • For best results, enter a specific website to pull data from (such as the manufacturer's website). Describely will exclusively pull in data from this domain.
  • Make sure the website entered is public (not private or blocked). 
  • Ensure that all products have globally identifiable numbers like GTIN, ISBN, model numbers, or SKUs. This will help pull in relevant data for each product.
  • If you sell products from multiple manufacturers or suppliers, create a catalog view so you can run data enrichment in batches. That way, you can enter each manufacturer's website for their associated products.

Important: This feature is in beta and may not work for all products. If you have any questions or feedback, reach out to us at support@describely.ai.