Optimize Your Product SEO

Looking to rank higher in search engines? Use our SEO Tools to optimize your product pages!

In this article

Write meta descriptions in bulk

Note: Product titles and descriptions are required to generate meta descriptions.

Writing optimized meta descriptions in Describely is a great way to improve SERP traffic to your website.

Follow these steps to generate meta descriptions for multiple products at once!

Get keyword suggestions

Already have a list of SEO keywords you'd like to use? Include them in your product import, or head over to the AI Product Editor and add them as keywords.

  1. Select the Catalogs tab on the left-hand toolbar and click into your catalog.
  2. Click into the product you'd like to optimize.
  3. Select the SEO Tools tab in the center.
  4. Under SEO Research, enter a search term you'd like to optimize for in the search bar. This can be any relevant search phrase you're trying to rank for. 
  5. On the left, you'll see a list of recommended keywords (such as product category, features, and materials) found on top-ranking pages for your search term.

  6. Review the keywords for relevancy to your product, and click on those you'd like to include in your content. This will add them to your Selected SEO Keywords list on the right. 
    Note: If needed, add new keywords manually by clicking the plus icon to the right of Additional SEO Keywords.

  7. When you're ready, click the Generate SEO Optimized Description button to write a product description using your new keywords.
  8. Review the generation and select either Edit Product to make changes or Save Product to apply the new description to your product in Describely. Voila!

Tip: Learn more about how to use keywords here

Manage individual meta tags

Learn how to generate meta titles and meta descriptions (with or without HTML) for one product at a time here.