1. Describely Help Center
  2. Content Creation at Scale

Write Product Meta Descriptions

Generate quality meta descriptions that entice users and drive more website traffic!

In this article

Writing meta descriptions in bulk

Important: Product titles and descriptions are required to generate meta descriptions.

  1. From your catalog, select the checkbox to the left of the products you'd like to create content for. 
    Note: Click the checkbox at the top to select all products on that page, or the Select all button to select all products in your catalog.
  2. Click the Bulk Generate button on the top right. 
  3. Select the ruleset you'd like to apply to your products from the dropdown. Click the pencil icon to make edits if needed. Learn more about AI rules here.

  4. Select Product Meta Description.
  5. Click Start Bulk Generate. When the generation is complete, you'll see a banner and   number icon on the top right indicating that your bulk job is ready for review.

Important: Products are "activated" after you've generated content for them for the first time through bulk or chat. They will then count towards your monthly plan limits, and you will have unlimited generations for these products through your current billing cycle!

Reviewing & approving your content

  1. Click the Bulk Jobs Review button on the top right to view your bulk job history.
  2. Locate the pending bulk job, which will be in a Ready For Review status. Use the search bar or sort filters on the top right if needed. 
  3. Click on the bulk job to review the generated content.
  4. To approve and apply each product's generated content individually, select the Approve button on the left. To edit content further, select the Edit button and make your changes.
  5. Once you've reviewed all generations, click Bulk Jobs on the top left to return to your bulk history list.

6.    To mark the bulk job reviewed, click the three dots under the Actions column and select          Set As Reviewed.

Note: Any products you haven't approved new content for will show in your catalog with their original status. Feel free to re-generate content for these products through Bulk or Chat!

Publishing your content

Once you've approved your new content and applied it to your products in Describely, you're ready to export to a CSV or publish right to your store connector!

Tip: Try creating a custom view filtered to products with the status "approved" so you can easily export or publish products ready to go live on your store.

Writing individual meta descriptions

  1. From the SEO Tools tab, navigate to the Meta Tags section and click Edit.
  2. Your meta title will match your product title by default. Feel free to change this if needed.
  3. Click Generate Description to create a meta description!
  4. Click Save.